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APICAM2023 will be held at the University of Sydney on City Road, Camperdown. This is the University’s biggest campus, featuring 72 hectares of state-of-the-art teaching and learning technology, including six libraries, art galleries, historical museums, perfectly manicured lawns. The Camperdown campus is also home to the following faculties and schools: Architecture, Design and Planning; Arts and Social Sciences; Business; Engineering; Law; Medicine and Health; and Science. For more information, go to Venue Information.

If you’re arriving by plane, Sydney Airport is located just 8km from the Sydney CBD and driving takes about 25 minutes in light traffic. You can access taxis and rideshare services when you arrive. A taxi will cost about $45-$55 one way. You'll find taxi ranks at the front of all terminals - simply follow the signs to the nearest ranks. For rideshare services, please arrange with your driver to meet you at our priority pick-up area. Sydney Airport is located just 13 minutes by train from the city. Airport Link offers a fast and convenient way to reach the city and suburbs, with trains running approximately every 10 minutes. For more information, go to Transport.

Sydney enjoys many monikers, including the distinction of being the cultural, culinary and sports capital of Australia. The conference is close to attractions such as Sydney Opera House, Taronga Zoom, the Australian Museum, and the Queen Victoria Building. For more information, go to Explore.

June is the start of the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere. This makes Australia and Sydney the ideal place to visit in order to escape the cold winters on the northern half of the globe. Afternoon temperatures in June are beginning to drop. Average afternoon highs climb to 18°C and average overnight lows will hover at 10°C. Overall, the average daily temperature is around 14°C. The average number of hours of sunshine per day is seven. For more information, go to Weather.

APICAM2023 will be held at the University of Sydney on City Road, Camperdown. The central location of the APICAM2023 conference means you’ll have plenty of options when it comes to finding accommodation. The following hotels all offer good rooms, at reasonable prices, only a short walking distance from the venue. For more information, go to Accommodation.

As of July 2022, the exchange rate was:

  • $1AUD = 0.65USD
  • $1AUD = 0.64EUR
  • $1AUD = 0.54GBP
  • $1AUD = 0.91SGD
  • $1AUD = 88.00JPY
  • $1AUD = 4.42CNY

There are several places to exchange money at the Sydney Airport.

Melbourne weather is infamous for its unpredictability, but winters are generally cool and relatively dry. Bring an umbrella or a raincoat just in case an unexpected downpour occurs, and bring a good winter coat.


Please submit your conference abstract through the online form.

Include a title, authors and main presenter, an abstract of no more than 250 words, and the proposed Symposium where you best fit. This extended opportunity is provided so that APICAM2023 best serves the professional community.

Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.

Please use A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) paper size. The abstract should be less than 250 words, with page margins of 25 mm all around. Use font type Arial, with single spaced lines. Title of the paper (14 points, bolded) is followed by one blank line. The presenting author’s name should be underlined. Author’s affiliations (12 points, italic, centred) and email address of the contact person are written in separate rows. Abstract text (12 points) in paragraphs. The abstract may include one figure with the figure caption (12 points, italic, centred) underneath the figure. The abstract including figure should fit on a single page.

No, you do not need to be a member.


The conference will cover a variety of themes across a range of areas of additive manufacturing. The themes will be dedicated to exploring the latest advances in the area and the ways in which these advances can be used to navigate the challenges that the industry will face.

More information about our plenary speakers is coming soon. 

APICAM is the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (APICAM). The conference is facilitated by Materials Australia, the peak Australian materials technology body. Materials Australia is dedicated to advancing the additive manufacturing sector through their work in the materials science engineering and technology sectors.

For more information about Materials Australia, visit: